cre·a·tive (krê-â¹tîv) adjective
1. Having
the ability or power to create.
2. Productive;
3. Characterized by
originality and expressiveness; imaginative: creative writing.
One who displays productive originality: the creatives in the art world.
cre·a·tive·ly adverb
cre´a·tiv·i·ty (-î-tê)
or cre·a·tive·ness
verb, transitive
1. To cause to exist; bring into being.
2. To give rise to; produce: That remark created a havoc.
3. To invest with an office or title; appoint.
4. To produce through artistic or imaginative effort: create
a poem; create a role.
I believe our government should be:
Promote the individual here you see.
The letter of law to let good people be,
the way they feel and hope and see.
Promote the space where free can be.
Our government should allow,
safety, hope, and room to grow.
A place where good people can live and know.
Their space in their life can be closed from show.
Living here still brings fear.
Fear of living a fear of fear.
Here we have a built in fear.
The fear of seeing and things we hear.
The challenge we have is in carving our way.
It is to create a life and place to stay.
Our sense of safety along our way.
A home and hope and room to play.
by: Tom
Morning in the mountains of North-central Idaho. Here a mood is created that carries one through the day. The mist that settled during darkness will fade into a day of splendor. A day out here is what ever you make it. Climbing to the heights of your choosing, you can let the world lay before you as possibility. The air, scented by the mountains, fills your nose as the day unfolds. Light enters your eyes as images of grandeur. Bold calls from hidden birds, and a faint breezes singing through trees, touch in your ears. Here is the peace that nature provides. Nature, the kind, nature, the brutal, natural, the beauty. Naturally Idaho. © |
This is a place to write. I can sit and watch the words come
out on the screen. It's a game, an image, it moves as they spew forth.
It is just words coming off my fingertips. I have written little words
and long words. Words are meaning, words are showing. Even words of
emptiness can be of great expression. But these words are just for
writing. Words put into a creative media can hold little meaning and
still be valid. They can be empty or full. All is dependant on the
chosen meaning or lack there of. I have written nonsense before this. I
wrote about the trees of another world. That was a bunch of strong
words held together by the glue of license. Writers license. They
expressed the imagination of image. Your imagination is the image they
invoke. Nothing real came of them but there is a real value in them,
for they express thought in a creative way. Words are one of the things
that make us human. Could we do without. Writing can only be done with
words. These words are just words for your imagination.
by: Tom
Peterson ©
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